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Showing 2 posts from November 2017.

Are Ransomware Payments Tax Deductible?

Earlier this year it was revealed that hackers had seized 1.5 terabytes of data from HBO, and over the course of the summer the hackers released the stolen property, including script summaries for "Game of Thrones," as well as scripts and entire seasons of other HBO shows. Read More ›

Categories: Cybersecurity

Forming a start-up venture with others? Consider a Founders' Agreement.

Co-founders of a start-up venture often find themselves excited and enthusiastic about getting their business idea off the ground. Amidst the whirlwind of developing a product or service and forming a team, it can be easy for the founders of the start-up to put legal work on the backburner.  That is often a costly mistake.  This blog post is the first in a series of articles on legal issues facing early stage ventures.  In this installment, we will discuss founders' agreements. Read More ›

Categories: Did you Know?, Startup